Humanisation and alienation between homo faber and homo consumens
Abstract This paper aims at exploring the shift from the homo faber and its relative metaphysics of labour , to the homo consumens and its relative organism-centred view, in terms of processes of humanisation and risk of alienation. Particularly, it assumes a ‘Marxist’ perspective to interpret the homo faber and introduce the concepts of living and dead labour ; and a ‘Kantian’ perspective to re-interpret consumption and labour from the point of view of the organism. Finally, it will propose a ‘Heideggerian’ step further. We define the metaphysics of labour through Heidegger’s interpretation of ‘materialism’, as that system within which «every being appears as the material of […] the self-establishing process of unconditioned production , which is the objectification of the actual through man experienced as subjectivity » [1] . Two ‘sides’ are here present: the object, which is objectified through human’s subjectification, or the subject’s humanisation; the...